Monday, March 23, 2015

Tesla Model S update 6.2 'eliminates range anxiety' without actually increasing range



Another example of how the Tesla Model S is more like an iPhone or a laptop than a car: In a press conference on Thursday, Elon Musk said the company is updating the sedan -- or more accurately, its onboard software -- to warn drivers when they get too far from a charger, and is adding a trip planner. Both features are designed to help end range anxiety. Software Version 6.2 will be an over-the-air update that happens automatically.

The Range Assurance application runs in the background, even when the navigation system isn’t running. It communicates with the Supercharger network, ignoring ones with heavy usage and warning the driver if he or she gets too far from a recharge point.

Tesla notes that its Supercharger network has grown large enough that virtually cover the entire U.S. and Canada. In the next 12 months, Tesla says, all of Europe and North America will be covered, 'cept for northern Alaska, but who cares about them anyway? Kidding, we love you guys, keep warm.

The Trip Planner will now automatically plan a route integrating the best charging options. Like with the Range Assurance function, it avoids crowded Superchargers, and has the latest information on which ones are operational. The app also tells you how long to stop at each location, and messages you in the Tesla app when it’s time to go.

The over-the-air update will also add automatic emergency braking, blind spot warning and side-collision warning. It will also introduce a valet mode, which limits speed, locks the glove box and front trunk and hides your personal information.

All of that is great, but we’re really looking forward update 7.0, which Musk teased during the press conference.

Version 7.0 will be a complete overhaul, according to Musk. It will include a self-steering function that Musk says already took them from San Francisco to Seattle with the driver barely touching the controls.

“That’s a feature that requires a lot of validation testing,” said Musk, “but we’re hoping that we can start releasing the first sort of auto-steering features in about three months or so.”

The self-steering function could also potentially allow drivers to summon their own car from a parking lot, but like Musk said, both of these features still require a lot of testing.

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